LES  6

Malediction On Hun Sen & Hok Lundy (2004-Feb-05)
         Bangkok Post : CAMBODIA - Thai embassy may get Thai army guards. Deployment would be done delicately. The army is considering sending soldiers to guard the Thai embassy in Phnom Penh, despite improving ties between Thailand and Cambodia one year after the anti-Thai riots last January. If the army decided to go ahead, the deployment would only be for a short period, said Gen Vichit Yathip, the army's chief adviser. Relations between the two neighbours have improved since the rioting in Phnom Penh on Jan 29 last year during which the Thai embassy and private businesses owned by Thais were attacked and looted. If the army decided to send its soldiers to help guard the embassy, their deployment would be on a small scale and handled as a delicate matter, Gen. Vichit said. Although the embassy's office is set to reopen on Monday, the rest of the building is still under renovation. Repairs to the conference hall are expected to take another three months to complete. Work on the ambassador's residence, which suffered the most severe damage during the riots, will take another six months. Meanwhile, 50 members of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's personal bodyguard unit are training at the Armed Forces Security Centre in Bangkok. Their two-month course is set for completion at the end of February. [Wassana Nanuam]
         N.P. : After what happened to the Thai embassy in Phnom Penh and given the huge quantity of money Cambodia casinos are taking from Thai economy, the above 50 bodyguards should be trained to kill Hun Sen and his in-law Hok Lundy instead ... and the Khmer political deadlock would come to an end. But ... surely non-violent Buddhist Cambodians will condemn this hypothetical procedure. So let's rather use our old Brahmanist PraTich PdaSa : "Om Siddhi Svahaya ! Let Hun Sen and Hok Lundy perish by the flu of the preceding Internet Chick ! Ommmmmmm !"
Khmer Religion And Politics (2004-Jan-30)
From Camdisc
         The development of Buddhism-based nationalism in Cambodia : In 1864 a Khmer monk, Preah Saukonn (Pan), introduced in Cambodia a new Buddhist order that promoted a radical Buddhist world view. This order [Thommayut] had its origins in Siam, where the monk had spent a long time. The Siamese reforms, begun by a princely monk who in 1851 became King Mongkut, entailed an emphasis on rational theology over traditional mythology (...) When King Norodom emulated Siam in creating a national sangha under a court-appointed patriarch, he appointed a Mohanikay monk to this post. Preah Saukonn, as head of the Thommayut order was, however, given almost equal authority to the patriarch; he also received the patronage of the royal family. [University of Hawaii Press]
         Nearovi PEN : À la maison de mes grands-parents il y avait quantité de vieilles photos montrant le roi Monivong, le résident français, les hauts dignitaires khmers tels Chauvéa Tiounn et Chakréi Ponn. Une photo montrait un très vieux bonze debout près d'un petit trône et son petit Svéta Chhatr (parasol) (1) : Preah Sangha Raj (roi des bonzes) Tieng. Ma grande-mère commentait : "Qmean Chehh Éi Té ! (pas si savant que ça!)". Il était probablement nommé par ancienneté pour être l'équivalent d'un Sangha Raj en Thaïlande.
         Notons qu'à ce moment-là nous avions Samdech Sangh Neayuok (chef ou président des bonzes) Chuon Nat vu, encore subalterne, dans une photo à gauche d'un bonze supérieur alors qu'à la droite de celui-ci se tenait le grand (plus d'un mètre quatre-vingt !) Samdech Louis Èm. Ma grande-mère me disait que le bonze au centre c'était Samdech Sangh Neayuok Souk ("Un vrai fameux érudit !" précisait-elle) et que Samdech Louis Èm, alors supérieur au Preah Pouttha Qhosachar Chuon Nat, aurait dû succéder au Samdech Souk.
         On savait que les parents du jeune prince Sihanouk avait choisi Wat Ounalom (et donc Lok Qrou Chuon Nat) pour former le bonze-novice Sihanouk. Il était donc "normal politiquement" pour la famille royale de nommer Sangh Neayuok Samdech Chuon Nat pour succéder au Samdech Souk.
         Wat Lanka (fief de Samdech Èm) semblait "mal aimé" du roi puis prince Sihanouk depuis la répression des bonzes qui manifestaient, sous la conduite de Lok Achar Hèm Chiev, contre l'emploi de l'alphabet romain à la place de l'alphabet khmer. Les bonzes reprochaient au roi de n'avoir pas empêché les Français coloniaux de défroquer puis jeter au bagne (de Poulo Condor) Lok Achar Chiev. De 1953 à 1969, on savait que Lok Achar Khiev Choum, de Wat Lanka, était toujours suivi dans ses déplacements par des agents de la police secrète.
(1)  Petits par rapport au trône et au parasol du palais royal.

         Julien KHOUTH : Khmer buddhism had several very knowledgeable bhikkhus that had much contributed in strengthening the Khmer nation and identity (...) But all the Khmer nation's enemies have contributed to make the Khmer knowledgeable monk population an endangered specy. I have personally assisted one of the last knowledgeable Khmer monks to come to France at the end of the 80's where under his spiritual leadership the Khmer community in the Paris area has sucessfully built unity, identity and coherence. When I was a kid growing up in Vat Than locating in front of the Chau Ponhea Hok lycée, I was very impressed by Lok Kru Dom and his large wooden library, the largest Vat library I have ever seen. He was a great monk travelling worldwide, speaking almost a dozen of foreign languages and had an impressive knowledge. I also met monks in Oddar Meanchey and near Surin (Thailand), they were great people protecting Khmer archaeologic heritage at the cost of their lives under the Khmer Rouge regime and under the Yuon occupation forces. I met with Khmer monks extremely well versed with traditional medecine I first despised but finally turned out to be very efficient when I witnessed myself their capacity to heal several hard illnesses and diseases (...).
         Funcinpec@aol.com : May I add mine to the list too?  Thanks. SANTIPHUM KHMER: A BUDDHIST WAY TO PEACE (CAMBODIA, KHMER POLITICS) by THACH BUNROEUN, PHD UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, 1993, 402 pages 9334945.
         Nearovi PEN : A "Buddhist way to peace" in our Khmer "Santiphum" was a good approach for the 1993 Cambodia, i.e. after the 1970-75 war, the 75-79 bloody revolution, the 79-93 occupation and liberation guerrilla. The actual events were eloquent by themselves :
         In Paris in early 1980s, one Khmer Rouge and his whole family were assassinated in their appartment ; the police never caught the killers and said that was a vengeance between Khmers ; all Khmer organizations then called for forgive and forget following the Buddhist principles Metta, Karuna, Mutita. In Pailin (?) in early 1990s, Gen. Sak Sut Sakhan was celebrating with his former foes the end of the war, he was dying overnight. After the 1993 elections the Khmer Rouge continued their rebellion. And then we have had Gen. Ho Sok and 100 other officers,  the grenades on demonstrators, six journalists, Om Radsady, the monk in Wat Lanka, the unionist Chea Vichea and ... Who's next?
         Religion and politics cannot mix together without danger. Peace in religion is peace in mind, in soul. Peace in politics is peace vis-à-vis bullets, guns and dirty tricks. Cambodia is not a pagoda, the 13 million Cambodians are not all monks. We must separate religion and politics.

Le Présent Nous Appartient (2004-Jan-17)
         The Phnom Penh Post : Four senior members of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) including caretaker Prime Minister Hun Sen applied to join the Cambodia Bar Association (CBA) at the beginning of January, according to government sources.
         Santhor : Today, each Khmer is a guilty [or not a free] person until he or she is found innocent in the court of one man's interest. I think it is too luxurious that those men in Hun Sen's group apply to be lawyers and do not have to practice law. (...) Poor millions of uneducated Khmer citizens !
         Nearovi :Your spiritual reflection recalls me I have not yet made my New Year resolution : I strongly wish Hun Sen -- by his Buddhist Karma -- take the place at age 80 of our poor and uneducated waste recycler seen in this photo.
         Ame Khmer : Your wish is a bit ambiguous. If the poor old man / Cambodians live miserably and poorly it is not because they have done something but precisely because they have done nothing and let others / criminals / parasites do it at their place. I sometimes question on Buddhism, what sense if it makes life miserable?
         And moreover, while I saw those bloody criminals build more and more Pagodas / make numerous ceremonies with the dirty / bloody money and enjoy crimes / killing, that's really disgusting me…What sense? Sacrifice their own people to be able to go to heaven as Prah Vesandor who had cruelly sacrificed his child and wife just to reach his Nirvana. Some wrong pre-concept idea / mentality / ideology must change !
         Nearovi : Religion is a matter of belief, not a provable science. Buddha and Jesus both existed historically but what they said (and their disciples said) are not provable. Personally I believe in Karma (reward or punishment) which will occur in the next life : Sihanouk, Elizabeth, Bill Gates, the Khmer lottery-millionaire in New York are benefitting from their Kusala of the past life and will pay for their present bad actions (if any) in their next life. Now we can see that fortunate people in any country are very few and the unfortunate are in tremendous number, why? Because we are (and were) all egoist, we think (and thought) first of ourselves and our family.
         Not everyone are like Mother Teresa, she is now in heaven ... or maybe she is already reborn somewhere in a royal family and doomed to be the next queen? You and I should have had a not bad past life since we are spared from suffering in Cambodia. That's our Karma from the past, but does the present belong to us? Yes it does : if at high school we have not worked hard (and went out dancing every night) we wouldn't  reach university and have the current career and social situation!
         The current criminals builder of Cambodia pagodas and the fake and Parajik monks will pay for their crimes and sacrilege as soon as they die, you be assured of that! Yes some wrong pre-concept idea / mentality / ideology must change : Cambodians must not wait for the Karma to punish the criminals and the fake monks in the next life but bring them now before a court of justice!

PEN Nearovi, Montréal, Québec, Canada