COURRI@L    2004 THE 6

Ranariddh joue au dur
3 JANVIER 2004

Ranariddh : Viens! Hun Sen, viens ici à Paris! J'ai beau avoir 60 ans mais je connais le karaté. Si tu n'acceptes pas mes conditions, je t'arracherai un autre oeil!
Un journaliste : S'agit-il des comptes en banque à Singapour?
Ranariddh : Dites-moi! Mes dollars sont-ils plus sales que les dollars de Hun Sen?

Allah a veillé sur elle
3 JANVIER 2004

BAM, Iran (AP, IRIN) - Les secouristes iraniens ont extrait samedi des décombres une survivante âgée de plus de 90 ans, neuf jours après le tremblement de terre qui a rasé la ville de Bam. "Personne ne s'attendait à ce qu'elle soit vivante. C'est un miracle", a déclaré le porte-parole du gouvernement provincial Asadollah Iranmanesh à l'Associated Press. Il n'a pas vu personnellement cette survivante, mais a assuré qu'elle était en mesure de parler lorsqu'elle a été sortie des décombres. Selon l'agence officielle iranienne, qui cite le Croissant rouge, la vieille dame s'appelle Sharbanou Mazandarani et serait âgée de 97 ans. Les secouristes ont expliqué que la vieille dame avait eu la vie sauve grâce aux meubles de sa maison, qui l'ont protégée de la chute des murs et lui ont laissé un petit espace pour respirer. Ce sont des chiens qui ont repéré la vieille dame sous les décombres d'un immeuble, et le sauvetage a duré trois heures, précise Associated Press Television News. Emergeant sans aucune blessure, la survivante a réclamé une tasse de thé, avant de se plaindre de ne pouvoir le boire parce qu'il était trop chaud... "C'est Dieu qui m'a gardée en vie", a-t-elle déclaré aux secouristes. [Sympatico.ca]

The Poorest on Earth
JANUARY 4th, 2004

Anthony Ly :
OF COURSE ! OF COURSE ! Sdach Krom Prass N. Rannaridh & Sdach Krom Chhlop HUN SEN should take all the blame ... shouldn't they ? 

ChimS1 :
Time to go. Stop the bragging at the expense of the Khmer people.

N.P. :
This Information Transposition (IT) vient du fait que Ranariddh sortit de SBU (Sanha Batt University) and Hun Sen was graduated at SQU (Sanha Qhernh University)! 


Cambodian Casinos Threaten to Fire 300 Thai Employees
JANUARY 4th, 2004

In their first attempt to retaliate Thailand policy, which bans its people from coming and playing games in Cambodia, nine Cambodian casinos in Banteay Meanchey's Poipet has threatened to fire some 300 Thai staffs they are employing. One of the nine casino managers, Mr. Peter, told Koh Santepheap Daily that there are about 300 Thais working in the bordering casinos and they came to work two hours late everyday. "We are ready to let them leave our casinos if the Thai government sticks to the policy," said the Malaysian manager. "Plus, the tough control at the checkpoint also causes the lateness… two hours at least." All casino managers have already met and would release Thai employees and will hire Cambodians to replace the vacancies, Peter said. "And then we are not responsible for the unemployment", he said.

Thai-Cambodia international border crossing,
Koh Kong, is very quiet since the last few days

The move comes after Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra Tuesday last week announced, "Any Thai government officials and civil servants, who enter to gamble in Cambodia, will be fired, pay cut and no pension pay." Thatsawat Boonyakwat, deputy chief of Aranyaprathet Passport Control and Immigration said, it is usually 3000 to 4000 Thai people travel across the border to chance in Cambodia's casinos, and they expect the figure would increase to 5,000 gamblers on New Year Day, but on the New Year Eve the number of people who went to Cambodia from Thai side declined to 3,523 people, including 2,789 Thais. If we sorted out, there are "only 1000 Thai gamblers entering Cambodia, 80 percents cut," he said. Thatsawat is very optimistic over the crackdown. "It shows the positive sign after the Prime Minister statement." But a Thai lady, Viranut who is working for Holiday Casino, is not very happy with her government action, because it leads to the casinos' reprisal that cost her job. "If both sides stick to their statement, I and other hundreds of Thai staffs might die of hunger," said the 26-year-old lady. “We are poor and go to Cambodia just for a job and money to finance our families. The government should understand this — It is our lives,” she said.
Meanwhile, at Chamyeam Border Crossing in Koh Kong province it became very quiet since the New Year Eve, said Cambodian border officials. According to a Thai local newspaper issued Friday, the number of Thai game fanatics in Cambodia relatively decreases due to the recent precise order of Thai Prime Minister. Chamyeam Border Crossing Immigration deputy chief, Pich Sarun, said the unprecedented crackdown requires a passport or a border pass from Thai nationals, and Cambodians who want to enter Thailand must apply for a permission letter with a portrait in advance. It is said Thailand always discriminate and take advantage over Cambodia regarding the border crossing. A Cambodian must pay 10 Thai Baht for a permission pass to buy vegetables in Hatloek market some 40 meters into Thailand from Koh Kong, said a Koh Kong official. Koh Kong Authorities said Thai Authorities did not allow hundreds of foreign tourists, who come from Phnom Penh to visit Koh Kong tourism sites, to enter Thailand even if they have passports. Thailand (where gambling is illegal) is not content with Cambodian casinos at the border area but Thai people like gambling very much. The recent crackdown is reminiscence of former Thai Prime Minister, Chhuan Likphay, who had considered gamblers as national traitors. Gambling is also illegal in Cambodia if the game houses are in the city. Cambodians also don't honor the industry. However, Naga Casino Resort remains in the heart of the capital city. [Koh Santepheap Daily]

PEN Nearovi, Montréal, Québec, Canada