Sitting on Buddha's head : Unacceptable (2004-Sep-21)
Koh Santepheap : Buddhist monks in Phnom Penh
are planning a 5-day protest to demand the ban of the film Hollywoodbuddha.
Virak Pruhm : It shows that Phillipe Caland, like many other
people in the West, is ignorant and do not understand the culture of Buddhism.
A little homework or an awareness of the needs and emotions of others,
especially when it comes to religion,
can prevent hurtful feelings of millions Buddhists who uphold Lord Buddha
as their highest being. American film makers and entertainment industries
should be more sensitive to such an insult. Do not make fun of other
people's beliefs -- it's sickening.
ChimS1 : Doesn't it look like the Taliban of Afghanistan that was defacing and removing the statues of Buddha from the countryside? It shows a banality of taste and a lack of cultural sophistication. |
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Virak Pruhm : Cambodian religious leaders, monks and Ministry
of religion and cult must take this opportunity to work together to strengthen
Buddhism in Cambodia. Weak, corrupt, partial and politically affiliated
Buddhist leaders had weakened Buddhism in Cambodia to the point that Buddhist
monks and Buddhists in Cambodia are not seriously repected by Cambodian
community at large. This always gives an opportunity to selective ignorant
like Phillipe Caland, and some other Hollywood
idiots, to look down on Buddhism.
It is said in Cambodia's Constitution that Buddhism is the State religion,
but the people who represent the State, from the
top to the bottom, do not seem to practice Buddhism correctly and honestly.
Apparently, many people including monks, only use their religion for their
own personal and political agenda.
Ven. Tep Vong, who is reported to be in Paris as a tourist, has
been, and is affiliated with the CPP for the longest time. He has led the
Cambodian Sangha Organization to nowhere for the last two decades. Like
the King, who is the King for life, Ven. Tep Vong is becoming the Sangha
Raja for life and he is accepted by the King as the only one person
who can tell the King what to do. It's all about politics, isn't it?
Until Cambodian Buddhists and all Buddhists of the world shape up their
pratice and expand to have their belief well understood by the rest of the
world, there always be an idiot like
Phillipe Caland and others to take advantage of their so-called "ignorance"
to make a few bucks.
Let the law of Karma take its course.
Le Vénérable Et L'Adolescente (2004-Sep-07)
À la demande du Vén. Net Sokha, 28 ans, bonze supérieur
de la pagode de Svay, district de Svay Chrum, Svay Rieng, une enfant de
13 ans balaya le rez-de-jardin de son
presbytère, le 28 avril 2004. Le nettoyage fini, le bonze donna
à l'adolescente 1.500 riels et lui dit de monter à l'étage
et faire bouillir de l'eau. Une fois en haut ensemble, le Vénérable
viola la petite fille. Après son forfait, le bonze conseilla à
l'adolescente de ne rien dire à sa mère car celle-ci la battrait
à mort, et de se contenter de l'argent qu'il continuerait de lui
Un deuxième viol a eu lieu plus tard après la séance
de projection vidéo de l'opéra Tum Tiev organisée
par le bonze chez l'oncle de la victime. Vers 8h du soir, le chef indigne
de pagode demanda à sa proie naïve et peureuse (venue malgré
tout regarder le vidéo) de le raccompagner au lieu saint ... et
profita de l'occasion. Au mois d'août, le bonze demanda encore que
la fille vienne au presbytère, mais elle n'y allait pas, craignant
un troisième viol. Le Vénérable commit alors une erreur,
il chargea une cousine plus âgée de la victime de la presser
de venir et, en plus, dit à cette cousine : "Si elle ne vient
pas, toi tu peux toujours coucher avec moi"! Scandalisée, la
cousine répéta ce qu'elle a entendu à la mère
de la victime. Cette dernière révéla alors tout à
sa mère.
Folle furieuse, la mère vint à la pagode et obtint la confession
du bonze Net Sokha qui supplia les parents de la victime de ne pas le poursuivre
en justice et leur versa, le 16 août 2004, un million six cent mille
riels (environ 400 US$) de dédommagement. Ainsi la police n'a pas
arrêté le faux adorateur du Bouddha, ... qui préféra
néanmoins prendre la poudre d'escampette.
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