HM's half transparency? (2004-Sep-09)
         Moan Preuk : Dear Compatriots,
         I invite you all to peruse HM's recent declaration (in French) from Beijing about his assets (monies and properties) in France, China, and Srok Khmer at the following link: http://norodomsihanouk.info/mes%2004/septembre/0909txt1.htm . One omission in HM's declaration that stuns me is the fact that he is completely SILENT about the exact amount of monies/funds provided to him by the FOREIGN and COMMUNIST government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) until 1993. He is also SILENT about the monies/funds presently provided to him by the Royal Government of Cambodia, monies and funds which, for all practical purposes, RIGHTFULLY belong to the Khmer People (who is neglected to be honored as the REAL PROVIDER of the funds). Although, he claimed that he no longer accept monies/funds from the PRC since 1993, he also failed to mention the source of his current funding during his lengthy stay in Beijing/Pyong Yang.
         Hence my questions to HM:
         Your Majesty, although it's nice that you tell us about the corruption of former Khmer politicians under the Lon Nol regime, we would also like to hear from you as well about your HALF TRANSPARENT declaration (shall we call it HALF TRUTH?). It is quite enlightening for me to hear you exposing corrupt former officials who can no longer defend themselves from their graves. However, if I may remind you, you also mentioned on numerous occasions that the current Khmer regime is also full of corrupt officials as well (still alive and kicking in Srok Khmer, and some even just visited you recently in Beijing). Would you care to name them specifically as you did for those officials under the Lon Nol Regime? Perhaps, it's harder for you to do so since you are depending on these corrupt officials' generosity, could that be the case Your Majesty? Please, oh please, tell me it isn't so!
         Begging for the WHOLE TRUTH from HM,                         [in RepublicofCambodia @ yahoogroups]

Des Miracles Qui Rapportent ? (2004-Aug-22)
         1) Miracle cow has thousands of Cambodians lining up for a lick
       July 8 2004, AFP : PHUM TRAPEANG CHUM (Cambodia): Thousands of ill Cambodians are flocking to this northern village to be licked by a mystical cow named Preah who is curing their ailments, its owner has claimed. Farmer Puch Pich said up to 400 people have been turning up daily for the past fortnight to be slobbered over, after the 13-month-old white beast apparently cured his wife Kong Mich of a chronic illness. They have been braving Cambodia's notoriously bad rainy season roads to travel from around the kingdom, paying 500 Riel (13 cents) per person for four licks on the limb or body part of their choice.

Photo Everyday.com.kh
         "The cow won't lick people who don't put in their money... And if it doesn't think you believe in its powers, it won't lick you either," Puch Pich quipped. Ros Sath, 68, told AFP that before he underwent the unconventional treatment he could barely walk a few metres thanks to a stiff leg. "After the cow licked me four times I felt comfortable again and now I can walk 300 or 400 metres without getting exhausted," he said.The curative powers of Preah - which means ‘God in Khmer' - were revealed when Kong Mich took the animal out to graze, said Puch Pich, who has owned the $325 cow for five months. "The cow was always wanting to lick my wife's arms and legs and after two months, she completely recovered from an illness we'd spent a lot of money trying to fix," he said.

         2) Bébé à queue poilue
         Dans la province de Svay Rieng, Sokh Mao, 36 ans, vit dans un rêve un vieillard qui lui fit cadeau d'un petit singe en lui disant d'en bien prendre soin car le singe, en grandissant, lui rendra la pareille. Quelque sept mois après, ce 17 août, la femme donne naissance à un bébé qui porte une protubérance poilue au coccyx. Des gens accourent alors pour voir cette famille dont le mari et père, ouvrier de construction, est encore coincé au loin, son patron ne voulant pas encore lui donner son salaire.
         Mais, miraculeusement, comme a dit le vieillard du rêve, le bébé commence à subvenir aux besoins de sa maman : il ne se laisse voir la "queue" de bonne grâce, sans pleurer à tout rompre, que si l'on verse chaque fois ... 100 riels comme frais de dérangement! Comme quoi, même dans ses imperfections, la nature fait bien les choses. 

Phnom Penh vs Svay Rieng (2004-Aug-18)
         Kep Chuktema's background - Information about current Phnom Penh Municipality governor Kep Chuktema:
         - Former deputy chief of Hun Sen's bodyguards unit. He tried to kill CPP dissident Ung Phan in 1991. Seriously wounded, Ung Phan joined Funcinpec a few months later and was elected National Assembly member in 1993.
         - Former deputy governor of Mondolkiri province.
         - Former governor of Takeo province.
         - Very close to National Police director Hok Lundy, who had been Svay Rieng provincial governor before Hun Neng. As Phnom Penh governor Kep Chuktema has been closely following Hok Lundy's instructions to repress anti-government demonstrations.
         Svay Rieng governor: a strategic position - The Svay Rieng provincial governor, who must be a staunch CPP supporter, must tactfully handle:
         - Vietnam's continuous encroachments on Cambodia's territory.
         - Large stretches of land along the border owned by CPP officials but leased to Vietnamese farmers.
         - Smuggling activities, which are an important source of revenue for the CPP.
         - Vietnamese immigrants, many of whom have been recently granted Cambodian citizenship. Besides, thousands of Vietnamese citizens living in Vietnam hold Cambodian citizenship and cross the border on election days to cast their ballots in Cambodia.
         Hun Neng to be appointed Phnom Penh governor - Prime Minister Hun Sen's eldest brother Hun Neng, currently Svay Rieng provincial governor, will replace Kep Chuktema as Phnom Penh Municipality governor in September or October this year. Kep Chuktema will take up the current position of Hun Neng. [K.I.]


PEN Nearovi, Montréal, Québec, Canada